Klin Indonseia's Blog

Sungai Watch’s Post

01 March 2023, Posted by Arnaud Quetat-Riou

We find almost anything in our rivers. Some of the most disturbing type of waste have always been syringes and needles. On one of our recent cleanups, we came across a couple medical bags of more than 250 pcs in one of the rivers in Nyitdah.

Proper disposal of medical waste is essential to protect our environment. It should be placed in a designated medical waste container and taken to a facility for safe treatment. Can you imagine the consequences if this waste ends up in our rivers and contaminates our surroundings? ☹️

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sungai-watch_we-find-almost-anything-in-our-rivers-some-activity-7030875082851852288-_04V?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android